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Montag, 25. Februar 2013

C4Dzone: IES Lightcollector gratis

C4Dzone hat das Plugin IES Lightcollector veröffentlicht.

Das Plugin richtet sich an VRayforC4D-User und erleichtert die Arbeit mit IES Lichtern.
Beschreibung von C4Dzone:
"IES LIGHT COLLECTOR IES Light Collector is a Cinema 4D r13/14 VRAY plugin dedicated to our C4Dzone users developed in order to fix a bug of this 2 softwares.
Peoples who work with Vray and Cinema 4D complain that after a Save project with assets Vray IES light files won't be copied correctly in the tex folder. This makes frustrating working across some computers because you have to set the file path and coping the ies files in right place manually in order to avoid their missing. Now with just a simple click after save project with assets you will not have to take care about this."
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