The Ottoman - animated short film:
"What is The Ottoman? The Ottoman is a 3D animated short film set in a fictionalized Ottoman Empire, with a visual design inspired by European comic-book artists like Jean “Mœbius” Giraud. The production is being developed by a team of artists from around the world.
The story:
The Ottoman, a cocky mechanic and amateur robot gladiator, is looking forward to proving himself in the annual Mecha-Battle Tournament with his beetle-like vehicle, the Scarab. But his confidence turns to panic when he learns that he’ll be facing off against the reigning Tournament champion: the dreaded Scorpion Rider, and his massive mechanical Scorpion. Returning home, he becomes consumed with outfitting his Scarab into the ultimate fighting machine. But when his obsession endangers the lives of his wife and son, the Ottoman must learn a difficult lesson about what it really takes to face one’s fears."
Software used: CINEMA 4D
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Kleines Introvideo und Kickstarter Doku:
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