Auch diese Jahr zeigt
MAXON wieder interessante Presentationen um CINEMA 4D auf der SIGGRAPH 2016. Diese werden wie immer auf live übertragen:
Hier die an MEZ angepassten Zeiten:
Dienstag 26. Juli 2016:
- 18:30 "What’s Next in Cinema 4D" with Athanasios Pozantzis - Noseman
- 19:30 "Creating Advanced Controllable Dynamic Splines, Branches, and Tentacles" with Chris Schmidt - Greyscalegorilla
- 20:30 "3D for the 2D Designer" with EJ Hassenfratz - Eyedesyn
- 21:30 "From Sports to eSports: Behind the Scenes of Creating a Broadcast Package" with Melissa Oakley - Capacity
- 22:30 "Breaking New Ground in Cinema 4D" with Nick Campbell - Greyscalegorilla
- 23:30 "Cinema 4D for Filmmakers" with Carlos Ferrer
Mittwoch 27. Juli 2016:
- 0:30 "Creating a Dynamic Power Up Sequence Using Animated Textures and Mograph" with Sekani Solomon - Imaginary Forces
- 1:30 "Supplementing Your Design and Animation Workflow with C4D" with Nik Hill - Territory
- Pause -
- 18:30 "Advanced MoGraph Techniques" with Derya Öztürk
- 19:30 "Procedural Methods for Motion Response" with Brett Morris - Capacity
- 20:30 "Arnold and Other Cures for Bad Clients" with Chad Ashley - Greyscalegorilla
- 21:30 "Using the Take System, Mograph and Xparticles to Create The Dolby at AMC Prime Preshow" with Sekani Solomon - Imaginary Forces
- 22:30 "Archer in 3D: Cinema 4Dangerzone" with Robert Paraguassu - Floyd County Productions
- 23:30 "Hollywood VFX on an Indie Budget" with Trevor Kerr
Donnerstag 28. Juli 2016:
- 0:30 "MoGraph Magic" with Casey Hupke
- 1:30 "50 Tips in 50 Minutes" with Ryan Summers
- Pause -
- 18:30 "Supplementing Your Design and Animation Workflow with C4D" with Nik Hill - Territory
- 19:30 "Metroid: Motion Capture, and Sci-Fi Environments" with Sam Balcomb - Rainfall Films
- 20:30 "Tips and Tricks" with Derya Öztürk
- 21:30 "Color Grading for the 3D Artist" with Chad Ashley - Greyscalegorilla
- 22:30 "Hollywood VFX on an Indie Budget" with Trevor Kerr
- 23:30 "Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Medical Animation and Illustration" with Athanasios Pozantzis - Noseman
Auch ein Gewinnspiel ist wieder dabei.