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Donnerstag, 22. März 2007

TP - Bits and Pieces

Björn Marl stellt auf seiner Webseite
7 neue Thinking Particles Setups zur Verfügung.
("Preset Library with some additonal TP Presets")
Enthalten sind:
  • TP Avoid - Particle will try to not come near this object
  • TP Group Change - Particles will change group when colliding with a geometry
  • TP Particle Rotator - Similar to TP Rotator 2 but works based on particles (nice for rotating trails etc.)
  • TP Prefered Direction - Particle will try to move in the direction of the z axis of this object
  • TP Spawning Emitter - Particles will emitt particles, nice for explosions or firework trails
  • TP Spherical Gravity - New variation of the old preset, this time with spline controlled falloff
  • TP Spherical Wind - New variation of the old preset, this time with spline controlled falloff
Zur TP-Seite von

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